ICS 121: Design patterns
- What are design patterns?
- Why use design patterns?
- Examples:
- Composite
- Observer
- Decorator
- Strategy
- Abstract factory
What are Design Patterns?
- Patterns are written descriptions of well-known solutions to
common design problems.
- Patterns are a form of reuse: if one person writes it down, many
people can use the same ideas in their own designs.
- Contents of a design pattern:
- Name
- Problem/Motivation, Context/Applicability/Forces
- Solution, Consequences, Examples
Why use design patterns?
- Reading patterns gives you some understanding of the problems
that other designers have commonly faced, the trade-offs involved
and how they have solved them.
- Using patterns in your designs will make them more
understandable to other designers who have read the same
- Using patterns in your design can reduce the amount of needed
design documentation.
- Learning popular design patterns will help you understand what
other designers say, and how other systems are designed. E.g.,
swing uses the observer/observable pattern.
Composite Pattern
- Problem: you would like to be able to allow objects to nest.
E.g., groups of shapes in a drawing tool, panels and widgets in a
GUI, or files and directories on a disk.
- Forces: Client code should be made simple. You plan to add new
types of simple objects later.
- Solution: the group is a subclass of an abstract element; the
group contains multiple elements
- UML diagram
Observer Pattern
- Problem: one object must update itself whenever another certain
object changes
- Forces: the other object should not be complicated by code that
explicitly sends notifications
- Solution: The Subject/Observable object inherits from a
superclass that maintains a list of observers. When the
Subject/Observable changes state, it just calls one method. The
Observer implements an update() method that is called when the
Subject/Observable changes state.
- UML diagram
Decorator Pattern
- Problem: An object sometimes has an extra feature added to it,
but not always. E.g., a button can have one of many border styles,
but it usually has none.
- Forces: client code should not know how this feature is added
in. The main object should not know about that feature. Many
possibilities add-on features are planned.
- Solution: implement a Decorator object that intercepts messages
to the main object and processes them. Most messages are passed on
to the main object, but messages related to that feature are handled
by the Decorator.
- UML diagram
Strategy Pattern
- Problem: One object has multiple potential algorithms for one
operation. E.g., use different sorting algorithms depending on the
size of the data or how well sorted it is already.
- Forces: There are many algorithms and we plan to add more later.
We do not want to modify the object itself every time we add a new
algorithm. The best algorithm to use can only be determined at
run-time and may change over time.
- Solution: place each algorithm in a Strategy object and have the
main object reference the Strategy object. To change algorithms,
replace the Strategy object with another one.
- UML diagram
Abstract Factory Pattern
- Problem: one class would like to make instances of many
"product" classes at run-time. E.g., each a tool bar button in a
drawing tool has an icon and creates instances of some subclass of
- Forces: There are many types of "products" and we plan to add
more. We do not want to modify the client code every time we add new
type of product. The product produced may vary at run-time.
- Solution: Do not use "new Circle()". Instead, use a class
called an Abstract Factory as a strategy for creating shapes. The
abstract factory has subclasses that are concrete factories for each
type of product.
- UML diagram
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