ICS 125: Development facilities
Typical facilities for development
- Developer:
- workstations, local or shared server or database
- Tester:
- workstations, local or shared server or database
- Shared collaborative infrastructure:
- Version control repository
- Issue tracking system
- Communications tools: mailing list, chat, website
- Automation servers: nightly builds, smoke tests
- Lab with samples of supported hardware and OSs
- Operations (Staging and Production):
- Servers, Database, Network infrastructure
- Figure 1
- Figure 2
Your facilities
- Developer / Tester:
- Use any Windows, Mac, or Linux machines you have access to. You need
Web browser, CVS client, e-mail client, IDE, command-line
- Machines in open labs, at home, or CS 193
- Coordinate with your TA if you need a machine in CS 193
- Use any IDE:
emacs and command line, JEdit, etc.
- Free CVS clients: WinCVS.org, MacCVS.org, command line, built into
many IDEs.
- Shared collaborative development server:
- Version control, issue tracking, web content, mailing lists
- Limited automation server
- Nightly build
- Automatic generation and publishing of JavaDoc API documentation
- You dont have to do anything, so long as you use Java and Ant
- No production servers
sample use cases templateexample software testing plan templateProject plan template